2018年第75屆金球獎(Golden Globe Awards)星光大道,眾女星們為了響應「Time’s Up」(到此為止)行動,紛紛選擇以黑色禮服出席,也讓金球獎的星光大道上,史無前例的成為了一片黑海。
女星們除了透過服裝表達消弭職場性騷擾及性別不平等的主張外,包括女星柔伊克拉維茲(Zoë Kravitz)、凱薩琳麗塔瓊斯(Catherine Zeta-Jones)、艾希莉賈德(Ashley Judd)、伊莎貝雨蓓(Isabelle Huppert)、黛博拉梅辛(Debra Messing)、伊莎蕾(Issa Rae)、脫口秀主持人賽斯梅爾(Seth Meyers)的人權律師妻子艾麗克西艾希(Alexi Ashe)等人,都選擇配戴上鑲有祖母綠的珠寶,而藝人瑞奇馬汀(Ricky Martin)則是戴上了25克拉的祖母綠訂製戒指,展現他對這行動的支持。因為祖母綠除了展現貴氣之外,更隱含了深層的象徵意義。
到此為止!歐普拉金球獎感言惹哭眾星 直言「說出真相是最強而有力的工具!」
「祖母綠一直與神聖的女性力量有關,出生、孕育和創造,它們通常會與女神有關聯,像是維納斯(Venus)和古秘魯傳說的健康女神尤米納(Umina)。」珠寶品牌創辦人暨創意總監Anna Sheffield表示,「自古以來,它們就是向屬於女性的力量和創造力致敬的象徵,也喚起了對待女性應有的尊重態度。」
【2018第75屆金球獎紅毯】女星齊穿黑色制服力挺男女平權 潔西卡雀絲坦絲絨禮服展露心機曲線 神力女超人蓋兒賈多特俐落中性風大受好評
而與網球名將比利珍金(Billie Jean King)相偕出席的艾瑪史東(Emma Stone)與在《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲》(Game of Thrones)飾演瑟曦的女星琳娜海蒂(Lena Headey),儘管並未配戴祖母綠珠寶,但兩人的妝容卻融入了為女性賦權與團結的意涵。
This woman’s strength and beauty truly know no bounds. #emmastone heading to the #goldenglobes red carpet tonight. Emerald green eyes and violet stained lips #rachelgoodwinmakeup for NARS #narsissist Who said black has to be boring?? Rachel Goodwin(@rachelgoodwinmakeup)分享的貼文 於 PST 2018 年 1月 月 7 日 4:36 下午 張貼
This woman’s strength and beauty truly know no bounds. #emmastone heading to the #goldenglobes red carpet tonight. Emerald green eyes and violet stained lips #rachelgoodwinmakeup for NARS #narsissist Who said black has to be boring??
Rachel Goodwin(@rachelgoodwinmakeup)分享的貼文 於 PST 2018 年 1月 月 7 日 4:36 下午 張貼
@iamlenaheadey not only do you currently rule the seven kingdoms but you ruled the red carpet at tonight’s #goldenglobes looking gorgeous in @eliesaabworld styled by @samanthamcmillen_stylist hair @mararoszak amethyst eyes #rachelgoodwinmakeup for NARS #narsissist #cerseilannister #gameofthrones #got #beautyqueen Rachel Goodwin(@rachelgoodwinmakeup)分享的貼文 於 PST 2018 年 1月 月 7 日 9:38 下午 張貼
@iamlenaheadey not only do you currently rule the seven kingdoms but you ruled the red carpet at tonight’s #goldenglobes looking gorgeous in @eliesaabworld styled by @samanthamcmillen_stylist hair @mararoszak amethyst eyes #rachelgoodwinmakeup for NARS #narsissist #cerseilannister #gameofthrones #got #beautyqueen
Rachel Goodwin(@rachelgoodwinmakeup)分享的貼文 於 PST 2018 年 1月 月 7 日 9:38 下午 張貼
彩妝師Rachel Goodman為艾瑪史東畫上了綠色眼妝與紫色唇彩,儘管穿著黑色服裝,卻不顯單調,她在Instagram上分享了她這次設計的妝容靈感,「今晚我的彩妝靈感來自女性參政運動的象徵色彩。我想要打造的妝容,能夠隱含女性賦權和團結的訊息。『眾所皆知,紫色是貴族的顏色,它代表了在每位婦女參政權論者身上所留的皇室血統,追求自由與尊嚴的本能,白色代表私人與公共生活的純潔..而綠色是希望的色彩。』Emmiline Pethick-Lawrence 1908。」
從影十年《樂來越愛你》終奪威尼斯、金球雙料影后 艾瑪史東:「名導和名製片的名氣,並不是能拍出好電影的關鍵。」
Tonight my beauty inspiration came from the symbolic colors of the women’s suffrage movement. I wanted to create a make up that would somehow be imbued with the message of female empowerment and solidarity. “Purple as everyone knows is the royal color. It stands for the royal blood that flows through the veins of every Suffragette, the instinct for freedom and dignity, white stands for purity in private and public life.. and green the color of hope.” Emmiline Pethick-Lawrence 1908. #rachelgoodwinmakeup #timesup Rachel Goodwin(@rachelgoodwinmakeup)分享的貼文 於 PST 2018 年 1月 月 7 日 6:36 下午 張貼
Tonight my beauty inspiration came from the symbolic colors of the women’s suffrage movement. I wanted to create a make up that would somehow be imbued with the message of female empowerment and solidarity. “Purple as everyone knows is the royal color. It stands for the royal blood that flows through the veins of every Suffragette, the instinct for freedom and dignity, white stands for purity in private and public life.. and green the color of hope.” Emmiline Pethick-Lawrence 1908. #rachelgoodwinmakeup #timesup
Rachel Goodwin(@rachelgoodwinmakeup)分享的貼文 於 PST 2018 年 1月 月 7 日 6:36 下午 張貼
資料來源:Today、HFPA、Golden Globe Awards