2016年才剛過不到一個月,似乎有些不平靜又令人哀傷,繼11日被譽為「搖滾變色龍」的英倫巨星大衛鮑伊David Bowie辭世後,如今在《哈利波特》系列電影中詮釋石內卜教授的英國男演員艾倫瑞克曼Alan Rickman,其家人也證實這位演藝奇才已於14號於倫敦逝世,享壽69歲。
從影近40年的艾倫瑞克曼,最廣為人知的角色即是大家再熟悉不過的石內卜教授,劇中他亦正亦邪的冷若面霜表情,讓石內卜這個角色得以從書中跳躍至大銀幕上活靈活現,而除了石內卜一角外,他在大銀幕上的經典角色還包括令他聲名大噪,首集《終極警探》(Die Hard)裡的大反派漢斯格魯伯;《理性與感性》(Sense and Sensibility)中的布蘭登上校;《俠盜王子羅賓漢》(Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves)裡飾演反派諾丁漢警長的他,則為自己的演藝生涯贏得首座英國演藝學院最佳男配角殊榮。
▶風度翩翩的石內卜 艾瑪華森、丹尼爾悼念 「艾倫瑞克曼是偉大的藝術家」
至於在演藝界,眾星對於艾倫的離世也紛紛在社群上發文悼念,像是《哈利波特》系列作者J.K. 羅琳(J.K. Rowling)寫道「在得知艾倫瑞克曼的死訊後,我實在無法用言語表達我有多麼震驚和心碎。他真的是一位偉大的演員以及了不起的人。我的心將與Rima和艾倫的家人同在,我想我們都失去了一位偉大的演藝奇才,而他們則失去了一部分的心靈。」。
There are no words to express how shocked and devastated I am to hear of Alan Rickman's death. He was a magnificent actor & a wonderful man. — J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) 2016 1月 14日
There are no words to express how shocked and devastated I am to hear of Alan Rickman's death. He was a magnificent actor & a wonderful man.
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) 2016 1月 14日
My thoughts are with Rima and the rest of Alan's family. We have all lost a great talent. They have lost part of their hearts. — J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) 2016 1月 14日
My thoughts are with Rima and the rest of Alan's family. We have all lost a great talent. They have lost part of their hearts.
在《哈利波特》電影出演雙胞胎弗雷衛斯理的詹姆斯菲利普斯James Phelps發文表示「實在很震驚和悲傷聽聞艾倫已離世。他是我見過的最好的演員之一,此刻願我們的哀思和祈禱與他的家人同在。」。
另一位扮演雙胞胎之一喬治衛斯理的奧利佛菲利普斯Oliver Phelps則寫道「驚聞艾倫的死訊讓人悲傷萬分。在我參與《哈利波特》電影時,他是那麼風趣又魅力十足,更讓害羞年輕的演員感到安心。」
Shocked & sad to hear Alan Rickman has passed away. One of the nicest actors I've ever met.Thoughts and prayers with his family at this time — James Phelps (@James_Phelps) 2016 1月 14日
Shocked & sad to hear Alan Rickman has passed away. One of the nicest actors I've ever met.Thoughts and prayers with his family at this time
— James Phelps (@James_Phelps) 2016 1月 14日
Terribly sad news about the passing of Alan Rickman. A funny and engaging person who put a shy young actor at ease when I was on HP. — Oliver Phelps (@OliverPhelps) 2016 1月 14日
Terribly sad news about the passing of Alan Rickman. A funny and engaging person who put a shy young actor at ease when I was on HP.
— Oliver Phelps (@OliverPhelps) 2016 1月 14日
演出大反派「佛地魔」的雷夫范恩斯Ralph Fiennes聞好友噩耗後表示「艾倫這位親愛的老友,他是一位付出許多愛與支持給其他演員的朋友。我實在難以置信他就這麼離開了,一位我們都遙不可及的好人。但他的精神和偉大慷慨的情操,相信會深植每個認識他的人心中,當然還有他輝煌的演藝經歷。他是位獨一無二、幽默、敏銳、非凡又忠實的朋友。」。
飾演「榮恩」的魯伯特葛林特Rupert Grint表示「聽聞艾倫瑞克曼過世的消息讓我心碎,我很榮幸自己在過去有許多機會與他合作,雖然他離開人世了,但我想他的聲音仍舊會長存於世。」。「金妮」邦妮萊特Bonnie Wright,「艾倫,有你在的片場總會被注入一股能量。你是我們所有人的精神啟發。RIP」
「張秋」梁佩詩Katie Leung「很可怕的消息。在得知有關艾倫不幸的消息後,令我更確信凡事都要做得更好,非常感謝你。」
「露娜羅古德」伊文娜林奇Evanna Lynch,「我還未準備好身在沒有艾倫瑞克曼的世界。他擁有美麗的靈魂,他不是石內卜時,是那麼的仁慈及慷慨。我永遠不會忘記那次不小心撞到他帶著邪惡臉孔化身石內卜的模樣有多可怕,然而現在他讓每個人都喜歡上石內卜。RIP,艾倫。」
Such terrible news. And reading about him now makes me want to BE and DO better in everything. Thank you sir. #RIPAlanRickman — Katie Leung (@Kt_Leung) 2016 1月 14日
Such terrible news. And reading about him now makes me want to BE and DO better in everything. Thank you sir. #RIPAlanRickman
— Katie Leung (@Kt_Leung) 2016 1月 14日
Am not prepared for a world without Alan Rickman. Such a beautiful soul. He was so kind & generous in the moments he wasn't Snaping about.❤️ — Evanna Lynch (@Evy_Lynch) 2016 1月 14日
Am not prepared for a world without Alan Rickman. Such a beautiful soul. He was so kind & generous in the moments he wasn't Snaping about.❤️
— Evanna Lynch (@Evy_Lynch) 2016 1月 14日
「奈威」馬修路易斯Matthew Lewis發文表示,「當我今日知道消息時,身在利瓦伊斯登片場(Leavesden Studios,為《哈利波特》主要拍攝地)。當我經過餐廳時,我想起艾倫與我們一起排隊買午餐。我也記得在休息車內,他給予我有關在這瘋狂行業裡的那些寶貴建議。再度回到這熟悉的地方,頓時勾起我對他的種種回憶,我會好好珍惜他授予的那些珍貴回憶,以及那些遠超我所知的啟發教導,我會想念他。」
I was at Leavesden Studios today when I heard the news. As I walked through the canteen I thought of Alan queuing up for his lunch with us mere mortals. I recalled the trailer in which he offered me some of the greatest advice I ever received about this mad profession we shared. Being back in those corridors made me remember a lot of things and I will treasure those memories all my life. He inspired my career more than he ever knew and I'll miss him. Matthew Lewis(@realmattdavelewis)張貼的相片 於 2016 年 1月 月 14 7:07上午 PST 張貼
I was at Leavesden Studios today when I heard the news. As I walked through the canteen I thought of Alan queuing up for his lunch with us mere mortals. I recalled the trailer in which he offered me some of the greatest advice I ever received about this mad profession we shared. Being back in those corridors made me remember a lot of things and I will treasure those memories all my life. He inspired my career more than he ever knew and I'll miss him.
Matthew Lewis(@realmattdavelewis)張貼的相片 於 2016 年 1月 月 14 7:07上午 PST 張貼
英國著名喜劇兼作家史蒂芬佛萊Stephen Fry痛心表示「驚聞艾倫的噩耗實在讓人悲痛欲絕,如此具有天賦的人才,無論是在舞台和大銀幕上皆有著邪惡的魅力,我想他必會被人們緬懷。」。
What desperately sad news about Alan Rickman. A man of such talent, wicked charm & stunning screen & stage presence. He'll be sorely missed — Stephen Fry (@stephenfry) 2016 1月 14日
What desperately sad news about Alan Rickman. A man of such talent, wicked charm & stunning screen & stage presence. He'll be sorely missed
— Stephen Fry (@stephenfry) 2016 1月 14日
▶Paul Smith、Burberry追憶大衛鮑伊 時尚界齊悼「雌雄同體」風格先驅
▶英國搖滾巨星大衛鮑伊逝世享壽69歲 眾星齊哀悼傳奇殞落