居住在倫敦的藝術家Unskilled Worker(本名為Helen Downie)從未受過專業的藝術訓練,故自稱業餘畫手。以感性的繪畫手法及鮮豔活潑的色彩搭配,呈現一幅幅令人引起情感共鳴的精彩作品,透過Instagram發佈插畫作品帶來巨大的成功。
網路與時尚是藝術新出路?加拿大攝影師Petra Collins成新世代藝術家最新典範
Unskilledworker(@unskilledworker)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 4月 月 23 6:39上午 PDT 張貼
Unskilledworker(@unskilledworker)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 2月 月 1 6:48上午 PST 張貼
而Gucci與Unskilled Worker的合作故事緣起於2015年,當時創意總監Alessandro Michele(亞力山卓米開理)在Instagram上驚豔於她生動的創作,便主動邀請Unskilled Worker參與品牌於2015年10月在上海民生美術館所舉辦的《已然/未然》展覽。從此,Unskilled Worker與Gucci結下不解之緣,本次特別系列更是與品牌攜手又一次的創意合作。
《Lady Dior As Seen By》藝術展降臨台北101 台灣藝術家跨界助陣
對於此系列與Gucci的合作,Unskilled Worker表示:「如同我與Alessandro Michele間的情感交流,就像是一段充滿創造力的對話。我想我們都習慣將情感隱藏於作品之中。我也很榮幸能夠挖掘他的內心世界並與他共同創作,許多從童年就開始珍藏的秘密,將貫穿於此系列作品中。」
Alessandro Michele屢爆抄襲爭議 為何Gucci依舊越賣越夯?
Unskilledworker(@unskilledworker)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 10月 月 14 4:22下午 PDT 張貼
Unskilledworker(@unskilledworker)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 9月 月 22 10:55上午 PDT 張貼
此系列共40款獨家限量單品,以Unskilled Worker標誌性的天真繪畫手法所彩繪的人物肖像或花卉圖案為主題,突顯出她鮮明獨特的風格。而她的創作中不同於尋常的詼諧趣味神韻,與品牌相容並蓄的當代浪漫主義精神情懷完美地融合。
看手袋認識名畫!Louis Vuitton二度攜手當代藝術家Jeff Koons 翻玩歐洲經典畫作
‘Defo Fan Art: The Gucci Chronicles’, a painting by @unskilledworker which appears on looks from the #UnskilledWorker collection including a T-shirt and sweatshirt by #AlessandroMichele. Discover the exclusive Gucci.com collection through link in bio. Art Director: @christophersimmonds Photographer: Clara Balzary @clarazara A post shared by Gucci (@gucci) on Oct 12, 2017 at 12:10pm PDT
‘Defo Fan Art: The Gucci Chronicles’, a painting by @unskilledworker which appears on looks from the #UnskilledWorker collection including a T-shirt and sweatshirt by #AlessandroMichele. Discover the exclusive Gucci.com collection through link in bio. Art Director: @christophersimmonds Photographer: Clara Balzary @clarazara
A post shared by Gucci (@gucci) on Oct 12, 2017 at 12:10pm PDT
In the woods: pieces from the #UnskilledWorker collection exclusive on Gucci.com. A sweatshirt and T-shirt, featuring designs by the artist @unskilledworker dressed in looks by #AlessandroMichele. Discover the collection through link in bio. Art Director: @christophersimmonds Photographer: Clara Balzary @clarazara A post shared by Gucci (@gucci) on Oct 13, 2017 at 6:02am PDT
In the woods: pieces from the #UnskilledWorker collection exclusive on Gucci.com. A sweatshirt and T-shirt, featuring designs by the artist @unskilledworker dressed in looks by #AlessandroMichele. Discover the collection through link in bio. Art Director: @christophersimmonds Photographer: Clara Balzary @clarazara
A post shared by Gucci (@gucci) on Oct 13, 2017 at 6:02am PDT
A look from the #UnskilledWorker collection, featuring the works of the British artist @unskilledworker, printed onto pieces by #AlessandroMichele. A silk dress and scarf. Discover the exclusive Gucci.com collection through link in bio. Art Director: @christophersimmonds Photographer: Clara Balzary @clarazara A post shared by Gucci (@gucci) on Oct 12, 2017 at 10:23am PDT
A look from the #UnskilledWorker collection, featuring the works of the British artist @unskilledworker, printed onto pieces by #AlessandroMichele. A silk dress and scarf. Discover the exclusive Gucci.com collection through link in bio. Art Director: @christophersimmonds Photographer: Clara Balzary @clarazara
A post shared by Gucci (@gucci) on Oct 12, 2017 at 10:23am PDT
“Sometimes I feel I don’t have much control; it’s almost as if they are painting themselves,” artist @unskilledworker on the characters in her artworks that appear on the new #UnskilledWorker collection, launching today on Gucci.com. these protagonists appear on a silk dress and the #GGMarmont bag, designed by #AlessandroMichele. Discover the collection through link in bio. Art Director: @christophersimmonds Photographer: Clara Balzary @clarazara A post shared by Gucci (@gucci) on Oct 11, 2017 at 12:06pm PDT
“Sometimes I feel I don’t have much control; it’s almost as if they are painting themselves,” artist @unskilledworker on the characters in her artworks that appear on the new #UnskilledWorker collection, launching today on Gucci.com. these protagonists appear on a silk dress and the #GGMarmont bag, designed by #AlessandroMichele. Discover the collection through link in bio. Art Director: @christophersimmonds Photographer: Clara Balzary @clarazara
A post shared by Gucci (@gucci) on Oct 11, 2017 at 12:06pm PDT
包含GG Marmont系列手袋、Princetown系列鞋款、Ace系列球鞋、竹節包款、印花連身裙、絲質襯衫及短裙、刺繡針織衫、牛仔裙及褲、T恤、夾克及絲巾,所有單品將配有精緻獨特的Unskilled Worker包裝設計,於Gucci官方網站獨家限量發佈。
執迷於愛!《策展米開理》展覽一窺Gucci創意總監Alessandro Michele創作背後的情感基礎
Gucci(@gucci)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 10月 月 13 3:04上午 PDT 張貼
Gucci(@gucci)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 10月 月 13 1:37上午 PDT 張貼
Unskilled Worker特別合作系列將成為品牌首個在歐洲,美國,加拿大,阿拉伯聯合大公國,中國,日本,澳洲以及南韓等Gucci官網全球同步零時差發佈的線上獨家系列。
Gucci(@gucci)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 10月 月 11 6:57上午 PDT 張貼
而Unskilled Worker為了慶祝此次合作而創作的藝術作品,可在UnskilledWorker.co.uk免費下載。
“The name Unskilled Worker was so apt it just seemed so appropriate, it still does, I still really identify with that word because I’m just making the most of what I have on that day,” artist @unskilledworker, is captured by @hillandaubrey drawing in her studio in London in front of one of her paintings with characters wearing designs by #AlessandroMichele. Today, @alexanderfury in collaboration with @anothermagazine will interview Helen Downie on #Gucci’s Instagram Live at 3PM GMT, before the launch of the #UnskilledWorker collection on Gucci.com tomorrow. #sponsored A post shared by Gucci (@gucci) on Oct 10, 2017 at 6:11am PDT
“The name Unskilled Worker was so apt it just seemed so appropriate, it still does, I still really identify with that word because I’m just making the most of what I have on that day,” artist @unskilledworker, is captured by @hillandaubrey drawing in her studio in London in front of one of her paintings with characters wearing designs by #AlessandroMichele. Today, @alexanderfury in collaboration with @anothermagazine will interview Helen Downie on #Gucci’s Instagram Live at 3PM GMT, before the launch of the #UnskilledWorker collection on Gucci.com tomorrow. #sponsored
A post shared by Gucci (@gucci) on Oct 10, 2017 at 6:11am PDT