隨著全球環保意識抬頭,越來越多民眾及時尚品牌開始關注永續發展。如英國時尚設計師Stella McCartney一直都是時尚界的環保先驅,不僅拒用動物皮草,也開發人造皮革等永續材質,而Versace、Gucci等知名品牌,也在近年接連加入零動物皮草的行列,連快時尚品牌H&M也開始發展環保再生材質,並推動服裝回收、再造的機制。
堅持不販售動物皮製商品 Stella McCartney談時尚界中的「素食」議題
Word x Stella #FurFreeFur Stella McCartney(@stellamccartney)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 4月 月 15 日 上午 7:26 張貼
Word x Stella #FurFreeFur
Stella McCartney(@stellamccartney)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 4月 月 15 日 上午 7:26 張貼
Every minute, the equivalent of a dump truck of plastic enters the ocean and by 2050 it"s estimated there will be more plastic than fish by weight. Last winter our campaign was set against a backdrop of a landfill highlighting overconsumption and waste; this year"s campaign focused on water. Stella McCartney(@stellamccartney)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 3月 月 22 日 上午 6:05 張貼
Every minute, the equivalent of a dump truck of plastic enters the ocean and by 2050 it"s estimated there will be more plastic than fish by weight. Last winter our campaign was set against a backdrop of a landfill highlighting overconsumption and waste; this year"s campaign focused on water.
Stella McCartney(@stellamccartney)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 3月 月 22 日 上午 6:05 張貼
支持永續發展不落人後的義大利時尚品牌Salvatore Ferragamo,也運用可持續發展原料,打造了100雙珍藏限量版Rainbow Future涼鞋。Rainbow Future涼鞋的鞋型源自於品牌標誌性的彩虹楔形跟涼鞋(Rainbow Shoes),這款麂皮涼鞋是品牌創辦人Salvatore Ferragamo在1938年為好萊塢女星茱蒂嘉蘭(Judy Garland)量身打造的。
業績沒起色,Salvatore Ferragamo首席執行長突然下台
Rainbow Future涼鞋選用手工打造的原木厚底和鉤針編織的有機棉面料製成,有機棉面料更通過全球有機紡織品標準認證,符合對環境和社會負責的嚴格要求。
而這款涼鞋所使用的皮革內裡,在生產過程中,也嚴禁碳排放或水資源消耗的可能,其他原料還包括水膠、非鍍鋅黃銅和100%可回收利用的縫線,至於包裝材料,則是選用100%可分解的棉布袋,以及經過森林管理委員會(Forest Stewardship Council,FSC)認證100%可回收利用的紙板鞋盒。除了配有特殊的環保包裝,每雙Rainbow Future涼鞋還附有一張限量證書,記錄鞋子的生產歷史和特點。
Rainbow Future涼鞋屬於Ferragamo Creations博物館系列,這系列是從佛羅倫斯斯皮尼費羅尼宮(Palazzo Spini Ferroni)的Salvatore Ferragamo博物館精心挑選出珍藏鞋款,並以這些經典鞋款的設計為基礎,重新演繹所推出的限量版新鞋款。
Ferragamo Creations博物館系列所有的鞋款皆為純手工製作,每一款都是精選皮革材質、以獨創工藝打造的獨家款式,而且都帶有未來派畫家Lucio Venna在1930年設計的品牌徽標。
Rainbow Future涼鞋以獲得碳足跡查驗標準ISO 14067認證為目標,一方面計畫對生產過程中產生的碳排放量進行計算,另一方面藉由植樹造林計畫,來抵減產品帶來的碳排放,致力打造一款「碳中和」鞋履。
為了實現這個目標,Salvatore Ferragamo特別與Treedom合作。這家擅長開發農林專案和碳補償交易的公司,支援Salvatore Ferragamo在義大利西西里島上的鄉村,種植100棵橙樹,幫助品牌以友善環境的方式,持續生產高品質產品。
隨鞋附贈的限量證書裡,均標註上專屬代碼,用於記錄Rainbow Future涼鞋和對應橙樹之間的連繫,這是Salvatore Ferragamo為顧客精心準備的珍貴禮物,購買這款涼鞋的顧客可以隨時登錄Treedom網站,透過證書上的代碼,持續追蹤相應橙樹的生長情況。
A reinvention of the iconic Rainbow sandal, the #RainbowFuture from #FerragamoCreations is a hand-finished platform in veritable wood, crafted in organic crocheted cotton dyed with natural colors and certified by social GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard criteria), with lining in leather finished with no carbon dioxide emission or water consumption. While taking into account the impact of our actions in the social and environmental sphere, the #RainbowFuture has obtained the ISO 14067 certification, whereby it is now possible to calculate the emissions due to its making and compensate them through reforestation programmes, making it a “carbon neutral” shoe. Through a collaboration with Treedom, one orange tree will be planted for each of the 100 pairs produced, for a total of 100 trees – a precious symbolic gift from Salvatore Ferragamo to its clients. And finally, wrapped in 100% biodegradable cotton bags and 100% recyclable FSC cardboard shoeboxes, no detail has been left behind. Salvatore Ferragamo(@ferragamo)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 7月 月 5 日 上午 6:50 張貼
A reinvention of the iconic Rainbow sandal, the #RainbowFuture from #FerragamoCreations is a hand-finished platform in veritable wood, crafted in organic crocheted cotton dyed with natural colors and certified by social GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard criteria), with lining in leather finished with no carbon dioxide emission or water consumption. While taking into account the impact of our actions in the social and environmental sphere, the #RainbowFuture has obtained the ISO 14067 certification, whereby it is now possible to calculate the emissions due to its making and compensate them through reforestation programmes, making it a “carbon neutral” shoe. Through a collaboration with Treedom, one orange tree will be planted for each of the 100 pairs produced, for a total of 100 trees – a precious symbolic gift from Salvatore Ferragamo to its clients. And finally, wrapped in 100% biodegradable cotton bags and 100% recyclable FSC cardboard shoeboxes, no detail has been left behind.
Salvatore Ferragamo(@ferragamo)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 7月 月 5 日 上午 6:50 張貼
Text、Photo:Salvatore Ferragamo