有「殭屍男孩」(Zombie Boy)之稱的刺青男模Rick Genest於加拿大時間8月1日過世,在得知他的死訊後,女神卡卡(Lady Gaga)在推特(Twitter)上發表貼文,除了緬懷這位早逝的好友之外,也呼籲大眾正視心理健康的重要性。一天之後,卡卡在推特上發文向Rick Genest的家人致歉,表示自己因一時不察,說話太快,讓外界直接認定他是死於自殺。根據Rick Genest經紀人Karim Leduc的說法,這位32歲的加拿大男模,應該是意外墜樓身亡。
ZOMBIE BOY OFFICIAL PRESS RELEASE MONTREAL, August 3rd 2018 The statement made by the police of Montreal is accurate in terms of time and location. Zombie Boy’s death occured in Montreal’s Plateau–Mont Royal neighborhood on Wednesday. The classification of his death is yet to be determined, contrary to reports. We received the bad news early afternoon yesterday and members of the Dulcedo team rushed to support his family and loved ones, in this dark and difficult moment. We want to offer them our deepest condolences. Dulcedo Management is shocked and saddened by this tragedy. Zombie Boy, Rico, was loved by everyone who had the chance to meet and know him. Icon in the artistic scene and in the fashion and entertainment industries, this innovator has charmed all hearts. As you can expect, this is an incredibly difficult time for everyone involved. We ask that the privacy of his family be respected as they grieve and in the next coming days, an official statement will be made by his family. - Dulcedo Management Zombie Boy(@zombieboyofficial)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 8月 月 3 日 上午 11:28 張貼
ZOMBIE BOY OFFICIAL PRESS RELEASE MONTREAL, August 3rd 2018 The statement made by the police of Montreal is accurate in terms of time and location. Zombie Boy’s death occured in Montreal’s Plateau–Mont Royal neighborhood on Wednesday. The classification of his death is yet to be determined, contrary to reports. We received the bad news early afternoon yesterday and members of the Dulcedo team rushed to support his family and loved ones, in this dark and difficult moment. We want to offer them our deepest condolences. Dulcedo Management is shocked and saddened by this tragedy. Zombie Boy, Rico, was loved by everyone who had the chance to meet and know him. Icon in the artistic scene and in the fashion and entertainment industries, this innovator has charmed all hearts. As you can expect, this is an incredibly difficult time for everyone involved. We ask that the privacy of his family be respected as they grieve and in the next coming days, an official statement will be made by his family. - Dulcedo Management
Zombie Boy(@zombieboyofficial)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 8月 月 3 日 上午 11:28 張貼
Thanks again to everyone at @HomeDepotCanada St-Henri, @MissionBonAccueil and all the @HomeDepotCanada Foundation’s volunteers across the country! Don’t forget - to help support the cause and the #OrangeDoorProject, you can purchase a $2 Orange Door in-store or online at http://bit.ly/2IvThJn. Small doors can lead to big rooms! All proceeds go to @MissionBonAccueil #ad #zb Zombie Boy(@zombieboyofficial)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 6月 月 7 日 上午 6:44 張貼
Thanks again to everyone at @HomeDepotCanada St-Henri, @MissionBonAccueil and all the @HomeDepotCanada Foundation’s volunteers across the country! Don’t forget - to help support the cause and the #OrangeDoorProject, you can purchase a $2 Orange Door in-store or online at http://bit.ly/2IvThJn. Small doors can lead to big rooms! All proceeds go to @MissionBonAccueil #ad #zb
Zombie Boy(@zombieboyofficial)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 6月 月 7 日 上午 6:44 張貼
「對親屬及友人而言,我們覺得把他的死歸因於自殺,有太多不合理的地方。人們直接妄下這樣的結論,我們感到很失望。」Karim Leduc對《時人》(People)雜誌表示。他指出,Rick Genest應該是不小心從陽台上失足墜樓,而不是跳樓自殺。
「他失足掉落的那個三樓陽台非常危險,」Karim Leduc表示,「三週前,我才和他一起在那個陽台上抽菸。那是個消防逃生陽台,圍欄非常低。他墜樓的時候是背對著圍欄向後仰,就像是坐在欄杆上那樣,然後背部落地。」
加拿大廣播電台(Radio-Canada)引用來自警方的消息,指出Rick Genest死於自殺,但警方並沒有正式公布他的死因。Karim Leduc表示,Rick Genest「沒有像他們說的那樣從三樓跳下」,他「並沒有留下遺書」,而且「在那週其實已經安排計畫要做一些事情了」。
「蒙特婁警方發表的聲明,在時間及地點上是正確的。殭屍男孩在加拿大時間8月1日星期三下午,被發現陳屍在蒙特婁市的Plateau–Mont Royal區。與報導相反的是,他的確切死因還沒有被證實。」Karim Leduc所屬的經紀公司Dulcedo Management發表聲明表示。
「我們覺得他不是那種會自殺的人。他不是會做那種事的人,因為他總是為別人著想。」Karim Leduc對《時人》雜誌表示,「雖然他當時的確經歷了很艱難、情緒化的階段,但他還是撐了下去。」
「他是個戰士,總是堅持不懈。所以對我們來說,要妄下這樣的結論是很困難的。」Karim Leduc指出,由於沒有任何目擊者看見Rick Genest墜樓,所以「只有他自己和上帝知道發生什麼事。」
Karim Leduc告訴《時人》雜誌,在當天早晨,他從Facebook收到一則來自Rick Genest的訊息,在那則訊息上,Rick Genest「表達他很珍惜我們之間的情誼。」
《時人》雜誌的報導及經紀公司的聲明發佈後,女神卡卡刪除了先前的貼文,重新發文向Rick Genest的家人致歉並表達哀悼,並且在另一則貼文裡分享了兩人一起合作時的照片。
Rick Genest在2011年因拍攝女神卡卡的歌曲MV而走紅,此後曾出現在服裝品牌Thierry Mugler的形象廣告中,登上《GQ》、《Vogue》等知名雜誌。Karim Leduc表示,Rick Genest在過世前,手邊有好幾項工作正在進行,而且心理狀態也相當正面。
The art we made was sacred to me and I was emotional, he was an incredible artist and his art and heart will live on. Rest In Peace You beautiful soul. pic.twitter.com/0gXTJ6cHYB — Lady Gaga (@ladygaga) 2018年8月4日
The art we made was sacred to me and I was emotional, he was an incredible artist and his art and heart will live on. Rest In Peace You beautiful soul. pic.twitter.com/0gXTJ6cHYB
— Lady Gaga (@ladygaga) 2018年8月4日
資料來源:BBC、People Magazine、Zombie Boy、USA Today